Adventures by Disney New for 2009

Adventures by Disney will add eight new destinations next year, for a total of 23. The new stops will include Disney’s first tours into Africa with a “Safari to South Africa” program. Other new programs will include two routes in Europe (“Alpine Magic” and “Bella Italia” will replace two other Italy programs), three U.S. itineraries (“Beantown & The Big Apple,” “Golden Path to Yosemite,” and “Taming the Last Frontier”), a “Rocky Trails and Mountie Tales” route to Glacier and Banff in Canada, and a “Gateway to Galapagos” trip.

Stay tuned for more details…

By |2010-02-03T15:13:57-05:00July 29th, 2008|Categories: Adventures by Disney News, Disney News|Tags: |0 Comments

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Adventures by Disney will add eight new destinations next year, for a total of 23. The new stops will include Disney’s first tours into Africa with a “Safari to South Africa” program. Other new programs will include two routes in Europe (“Alpine Magic” and “Bella Italia” will replace two other Italy programs), three U.S. itineraries (“Beantown & The Big Apple,” “Golden Path to Yosemite,” and “Taming the Last Frontier”), a “Rocky Trails and Mountie Tales” route to Glacier and Banff in Canada, and a “Gateway to Galapagos” trip.

Stay tuned for more details…

By |2010-02-03T15:13:57-05:00July 29th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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