Disney Side

“Show Your Disney Side” – Under the Sea

Last week, we introduced you to two of the new “Show Your Disney Side” commercials created by Disney Parks – “I Am Your Father” and “King of the Jungle.”

Now, we are excited to bring you the third and final commercial that we received a special preview of at Disney’s EarMarked conference in September. It is titled “Under the Sea.”

Whether your “Disney Side” is best shown under the sea or on dry land, everyone has one! Our Magic Makers® have had so much fun sharing their “Disney Side” with you through our various social media sites and will continue to do so over the coming months. But now, we’d like to see yours! It’s EASY to share your “Disney Side” with us:

through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/offtoneverlandtravel
on Twitter: @neverlandtravel
on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/neverlandtravel
via email: disneyside@offtoneverland.com

Note: By submitting “Your Disney Side,” you acknowledge that your submission will be posted on Social Media sites that are visible to the public.

Count on the help of our expert Magic Makers® to help find your “Disney Side” during your next Disney Destinations trip! As Authorized Disney Vacation Planners, we are knowledgeable about the resort options, dining locations and activities that will best fit your family’s interests.

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By |2017-06-27T10:21:38-05:00October 10th, 2013|Categories: Disney News|Tags: , |0 Comments
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