Off to Neverland Facebook

Off To Neverland Travel adds Facebook Integration to Website

Off to Neverland Travel has integrated two new Facebook features into our website!

The New Facebook Panel on the right side of the screen allows you to see the latest Disney news and updates that we have shared with our fans via Off to Neverland’s Facebook page. If you haven’t become a fan of our Facebook page, you can do so by simply clicking LIKE in the panel. If you are already a fan, clicking any link in the panel will direct you to our Facebook page.

Also new, guests are no longer required to create a separate login to comment on our blog article. As long as you are currently signed into Facebook, you will simply type your comment below and hit “Comment.”

By |2017-06-27T10:23:08-05:00March 27th, 2012|Categories: Disney News|Tags: |2 Comments

Win a $25 Off to Neverland Gift Certificate

Become of fan of Off to Neverland Travel on Facebook and upload your favorite “ears” picture to be entered for a chance to win a $25 Off to Neverland Gift Certificate.

Contest Details:

Contest runs from August 14 to August 31, 2010. Please only upload one photo per day during the specified time. One winner will be chosen at random on or around September 1, 2010 to receive a $25 Off to Neverland® Gift Certificate good for any travel booked with Off to Neverland Travel®. Magic Makers® and their immediate households are not eligible to win the gift certificate.

Off to Neverland on Facebook

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